William Sugg & Co


Quick Picture Index!

As the website has grown it has become clear that it is necessary to have an easy to use index so that human browsers can either find something specific they are looking for or browse quickly for inspiration! As there are a lot of pictures and illustrations on the site I have started this index with a full set of picture thumbnails for quick recognition. Unfortunately it was not possible to hyperlink these directly with their position in the site but by clicking on the section name OR the image itself you will be taken to the nearest location. Just scroll down from there to find the picture. The pictures are all located in the order and in the groups and sub groups as they appear on the site.

Home (5 pics)

Sugg Gas Lights at Buckingham Palace

(1 pic)

D & N Front cover 550

Lighting Burners
(9 pics)

01.Thomas Shirley musing 40
Evolution of Gas Bnrs SL lit darkened 500
Trays of burners 1 cut 550
Trays of burners 2 cut 550
Trays of burners 3 1200 cut 550
Trays of burners 4 cut 550
Trays of burners 5 cut 550
Dartford charges, rear 1840's
Dartford charges 1840 - Version 2 550 w

Lighting Burners
Open Flame & Steatite
(23 pics)

Development of burners Chandler N N N 50
Steatite Bnr Sections neut norm nat 50
Flat Flame Bnr tips
3 & 5 lt TT bnrs 550
30 lt open flame bnr rotate only
P1040255 260 Multi gov bnr
P1040257 260 multi open flame bnr
Lamp Governors 15 LMN
Sugg burners in case 465w
Burner demo case Img_9336 cut 550
P5200005 cut 550
Steatite Float Gov inside rotate TEXT 25
Steatite working 25
Steatite steps in manufacture rotate 25
Steatite drilling rotate 25
Steatite components rotate 25
img848 Steatite maching 2
img847 steatite machining 1
img849 Steatite machining 3
Carpenter 4019 cut 175
Carpenter 4020 cut 175
Carpenter jet 4022 cut 175
Diamond Gaslight 550

Lighting Burners
Christiania & Argand

This section has been combined with ‘Christiania & Argand Interiors’ (2013)

Lighting Burners
Incandescent & Superheated
(10 pics)

P1040937 275
Mantle box photo - Version 2 550 w
P1040956 550
P1040949 550
Sugg Stronga label photo 2 225
Incandescent Burner illustrations 550
P1040938 275 x 313
P1040957 cut 550
Incandescent Burner modern high efficiency 1951 550
W.Sugg lamp stock superheaters 550

Lighting Street Lamps
Early Lamps
(11 pics)

Camberwell 1888 back 426 px ht
Cradle lantern orig Brighton Pavilion 260 x347 px
michael hall entrance camberwell 260 px
The Victoria cut 100
The Metropole cut Jan 1895 30 30 100 pix
The Kingston cut Jan 1895 30 30 100
The Camberwell Jan 1895 30 30 cut 100
The York cut 100
Camberwell 1888 front 260 px
Copy of Public lighting by gas early lamps 10
Public lamps fitted for torch lighting WS 1871 550 px

Lighting Street Lamps
Large Lanterns
(15 pics)

Lambeth Lamp with Workman 550px
Lantern records 300dpi 550px
P1040641 Lge lamp & Argand burner 550
Dublin & Q Vic St etchings b&w rotated 550 px
David Morrison (Aust) 4906_7 550 pix w
Ballarat Sugg Lantern Arthur Brook 275 w
16.Huge Globe cluster 550 w
Lambeth for Dock Lighting cut & 260 w
Greenock for Dock Lighting cut & 260 w
Dscf4171rot cut252x453
Dscf4170 rot cut 260 x 453
Dscf7731rot cut 550
P1120609 Reduced.jpg
Westminster original on post Llandudno

Lighting Street Lamps
The Windsor Lamp
(12 pics)

Lighting Street Lamps
Rochester & Littleton
(28 pics)

Covent Garden 007 modified cut 260
Covent Garden 005 adj 50 22 260 px
Newark 50
1912 list 11 20-30
Littleton early Lofts 50
Littleton Squat Patt 50-20 cut 50
Rochester Oct panel globe 50-20 cut 50
Littleton Hexagonal shade cut 50-20 50
Littleton Advert screens 50-20 cut 50
Rochester Sizes and prices 1937 b&w
Littleton Sizes and prices 1937 b&w
Rochester lecture 50
Littleton lecture 50
Roch sect close up 50
Roch hinge close up 50
Roch close up injector 50
DCD advert 21.11.1934 Gas Journal 550
DCD 20-50 Cut 50
DCD Tap 50-20 cut 50
P1060825 550 w
Covent Garden 011 550px
Image072 550
Rochester Susp & additons
Rochester Upright & additons
P1010147 550
P1010144 275

Street Lamps 8000 Lamp
(18 pics)

Sugg329 550 pix
8000 Air movement arrgt 260
8000 lamp type D 260
8000 Lamp 4 pg leaflet front 550
8000 Lamp 4 pg leaflet P2 550
8000 Lamp 4 pg leaflet P.3 550
8000 Lamp 4 pg leaflet back 550
8000 'H' type open 550
8000 Lit with Type 'H' Brkt front 260
8000 Lit with Type 'H' Brkt back 260
8000 'D' Type (2) 260
8000 'D' Type 260
8000 'D' Type concrete column, Chigwell 550
8000 'D' Type 3 lt, Gosforth 550
8000 4 lt & Sign Illuminator 2 lt 260
8000 'H' Type Steel Column 260
8000 lamp with ARP fitting 550

Lighting Street Lamps
London, Southport – & ‘Supervia’ Mantle (48 pics)

SUGG102 cut 550 pix
SUGG100 550 pix
B2 London extended canopy 260
B2 London extended canopy transparency view 260
Blue Ribbon Catalogue Front 260
Blue Ribbon Catalogue P.2 260
12 lt London Lamp Model 3020 cut 550
Blue Ribbon Catalogue P.3 260
Blue Ribbon Catalogue P.4 260
6 lt London Lamp with Canopy cut 550
Blue Ribbon Catalogue P.5 260
Blue Ribbon Catalogue P.6 260
Blue Ribbon Catalogue P.7 260
Blue Ribbon Catalogue Back 260
8000 4 lt, Romsey 550
10 lt London, London Bridge 25ft mntg 120ft spacing 550
London Lamps N4 260
London Lamps Southend Arterial Rd 260
London Lamp Central Susp, raise & lower Embankment 260
Single 12 lt London on concrete column (W2) 260
Double 12 lt London 550
SUGG101 200
ARP fitting for London Lamp 165 ht
London Lamp with ARP fitting 200
Picture 016 cut 550
South Harrow Station Rd 550w
Gp A Southport photo white background 550
SUGG108 550 pixels
SUGG10 cut 550 pix
Sugg330 550
Gp B Southport X section air movement drg 175
Gp A Southport X section drg 175
Gp B Southport X section drg 175
Gp B Southport Leaflet - front 260
Gp B Southport Leaflet - back 260
Gp B Southport Hyde Park 550 grayscale 260
Gp B Southport black background 260
Gp B Southport Buckingham Palace Rd 260
Gp B Southport Holborn 1950 260


Special Street Lamps for Royal Premises & Other Locations

Windsor Castle special
Crowns with cushions
4 Isle of Wight
Posts 2 550 pix NMF


Columns & Brackets (18 pics)

Hyde Pk740s Sugg Logo on post 260 px
Hyde Pk 741 W.S Post 260px
P1000262 - 275
P1000263 - 275
Lydney Harbour 37 B-60 C+20 cut 260
Lydney Harbour 35 417 tall
beacon1 B-60 260 w
Marlborough College Sugg diamond post 412 ht
Orig Post at Royal Oak 275
Westminster, Whitehall 1880 550 w
P1040218_3 550 Posts
Globes Northumberland Av LMN 550 width
Standards for Street Lamps DNN 550 pix
Cherub post Traf Sq Dscf3744 cut & 550
Cherub close-up Dscf3746 Northumberland Av Trafalgar Sq.

Interior Lighting Introduction
(3 pics)

Front Page Inc Gas BnrsOct 1905 550
Crown Bar, Belfast 2 275
Interior Lighting Introduction

Christiania & Argand burners has been combined with Interior Lighting for clarity. (2013) (32 pics)

Christiania Illus & Description 550
London Argand gold painting rot & 20 550 size
Christiania 8 photos rev 550 w
Painted glass 600dpi 550 w
Christiania card ad 2 360 w
Christiania card ad 260 w
Christiania card ad rear 260 w
P1040442 175 G
P1040436 175 A
P1040446 175 K
P1040445 175 J
P1040444 175 I
P1040443 175 H
P1040437 175 B
P1040441 175 F
P1040440 175 E
P1040439 175 D
P1040474 175 CV
P1040473 175 CU
P1040472 175 CT
P1040471 175 CS
P1040470 175 CR
P1040467 175 CQ
P1040466 175 CP
P1040464 175 CN
P1040465 175 CO
P1040462 175 CL
P1040438 175 C
Christiania advert 300dpi 550 pix
Catalogue Pages 138 cut rot 550
Standard Argand Bnrs March 1907 close 30 30 550
P1040235 260 Argand pr

Interior Lighting Cromartie (14 pics)

Cromartie Medina 6 &10ft 550 pix
Cromartie 2 wall mount illus 550 pix
Cromartie etc for Chandler 550 pix
Cromartie Advertising Cards rot 20 cut 550 pix
Cromartie Advertising Cards Reverse Rot cut 550 pix
Cromartie table lamp pg 11 250pix
Cromartie Reverse side of all pages rot 550
Cromartie Mecca 550
Cromartie 2 260
Cromartie 1 260
Trays of burners 4 cut 550
Cromartie cat front P1060800
Cromartie Instr 1 P1060797
Cromartie Instr 2 P1060796

Lighting Interior Lighting
Open Flame Brackets & Pendants (14 pics)

1880's 8 rot cut 275
1880's 9 cut 275
1880's 10 rot,cut 275
1880's 11 rot cut 275
1880's 12 cut 275
1880's 7 cut 275
1880's 6 cut 275
1880's 1 cut 275
1880's 2 cut 275
1880's 5 cut 275
1880's 3 cut 275
1880's 4 cut 275
Mvc-304f30 40 550
Plain Brackets Feb 1909 cut 275

Lighting Interior Lighting
Fixtures with Mantles (16 pics)

Auer_5_FL 275
Farkas 275
Brackets (Uprt) 3 feb 1909 -20+30 550
Interior bedroom Sugg91 550w cut 550
Sugg91 cut to lamp only
List 11 1931-2 70 & 71 cut to p 70 550
Sugg64 275
SUGG13 cut 275
Pendant Sugg86 cut 550w
Ardingly pendant P1010037 550
Ardingly P1010166 260
Ardingly P1010165 260
Arundel 36 lt gas chandelier 550 w
Arundel town hall lamp lit April 95
P1080422 Chandelier close up
P1080359 - Version 2 Arundel chandelier vert

Lighting Interior Lighting
Back Lamps (8 pic)

Catalogue Pages 179 cut to back lamp

Lighting Interior Lighting
Ventilating Lamps (23 pics)

Mvc-495fmod DNN 550 pix
Ventilating Sun Light 2 550
Sun Burner from below 260 px
Sun Light from side 260 px
Sun Light Controls 260 px
Sun Light Instructions 260 px
CIBSE Visit 016 550 w
B'ham Art Gallery DSC01010 260
B'ham Art Gallery DSC01012 260
Birmingham Art Gallery Sunlight close up 550w
Birmingham Art Gallery view - 550w
B'ham Art Gallery DSC01015 550
Gaiety Theatre I of M 550
Catalogue Page188 A - Version 2
Catalogue Pages 215 B
Catalogue Pages 216 C
Catalogue P. 213 D
Catalogue P. 193 E
Catalogue P. 194 F
Catalogue P.001 G
Catalogue P. 002 H
Ventilators for Torp Boat Destroyers (in let)
Ventilators for Torp Boat Destroyers (extract) 2

Traffic Signs (8 pics)

SUGG302 550
HALT image 31 cut 260
FRIERN cut 260
SUGG14 344 ht
Keep Left image32 260
Belisha demo SUGG63 344 ht
Gp B Southport Hyde Park 550 grayscale
8000 4 lt & Sign Illuminator 2 lt 260

Floodlighting (8 pics)

Catalogue 1935 cvr SUGG400 550
Catalogue 1935 p 2 & 3 SUGG401 550
Catalogue 1935 p 12 & 13 SUGG406 550
Floodlight SUGG09 cut 260
Floodlight SUGG66 260
Photo flood SUGG37 175
Photo flood in use SUGG36 175
Portable spot light SUGG08 175

Oil Hand Lamps (11 pics)

Hand lamp advert rot 550
Oil Hand Lamp Kevin George 003 cut 270
1990 Orig Sugg Railway Hand lamp 200
Oil Hand Lamp Kevin George 006 cut 275
Oil Hand Lamp Kevin George 007 cut 275
Oil Hand Lamp Kevin George 002 275
Handlamp collection Kevin GeorgeP1020929 550
Article 1906 rt hand column 260
J.F.Handlamps 1 550
John Fitzgerald Handlamps 2 260w
John Fitzgerald Handlamps 5 260w


Introduction (5 pics)

July 04 Catalogue 550 pix
P1090554 Cooking by Gas cover
Daily Telegraph 1887 cut
Parisienne closed
Parisienne Open

Commercial Cooking Equipment (4 pics)

Catalogue Pages 039 cut rotate 175
Windsor Castle orig Oven 175
Windsor Castle Double Oven 175
img892 - Cooking by Gas P17

Domestic Cooking Equipment (6 pics)

Charing Cross Gas Kitchener 550 w
Gas Kitchener 550 w
Light Digestive Bread outer cut rot 550
Light Digestive Bread inner cut 550
Catalogue Pages 105 ROT CUT 550
img892 - Cooking by Gas P20-21

Utensils, etc. (5 pics)

Catalogue Pages 099 260
Catalogue Pages 098 260
Catalogue Pages 097 260
Catalogue Pages 096 260
Catalogue Pages 100 260


Gas Fires Pre 1910 (6 pics)

Charing Cross Gas fires ctre 550px
Charing Cross Gas fires outer ads 550 px
Charing Cross Gas fires outer 550 px
Gas Fires May 1905 30
Charing Cross with Logs 30
P1040548 Ladies Gazette 1000

Gas Fires 1910 – 1940 (6 pics)

1.Lady on the front DNB 550
2.Pages 2 & 3 DNF 550
3.Pages 4 & 5 DNF 550
4.Pages 6 & 7 DNF 550
5.Pages 8 & 9 DNF 550
6.Red Knight Inset fire 30

Gas Fires Post War (6 pics)

Sussex fire 260
CP Screen Fire 260
Screen Fire
Queen Convectair 60
Lady demonstrators 550

Water Heating pre 1910 (10 pics)

List 8 Oct 1888 front cvr colour p.1 550px
Therma, Side 2 30
Bath Room 1888 p.6 550 px
Bath Room 1888 equipment p.7 550 px
List 8 Oct 1888 p.9 550px
List 8 Oct 1888 p.10 col 550 px
The Sabrina Bath as shown in NT exhib 550 px
List 8 Oct 1888 p.3 550 px
List 8 Oct 1888 p.11 550 px
Sultan Turkish Bath 1888 p.8 550 px

Warm Air Heating (9 pics)

22WH 3 260
22WH 1 260
22WH 4 260
22WH 6 260
Design Manual 260
Design Manual Flue terminals 260
Design Manual Typical bal flue installation 260
Design Manual UR duct installation 260
Design Sheet 1 550

Low Water Content Boiler (3 pics)

Supaheat 50-15 installation
Supaheat 50-15 exploded 50
Supaheat 50-15 exhibition display 2 50

Radiant Overhead Heating (3 pics)

Stokes Heat & light unit 550w
CP Raymaster 550 w
CP Raymaster installation 550 w

Incinerators (11 pics)

Incinerators cvr 260
Incinerators 2 pages 550
3696 0n cast pedestal 550w
Incin Lealet 1
Incin Leaflet 4
Incin Leaflet 2
Incin Leaflet 3

Contacts (5 pics)

Small swaneck Dscf4215 260
Glassware 007 260
Craven Arms inside 2 bar 260
Hat & Feathers 001 260
St John's, Ashbrooke 3 260

Collectors (73 pics)

Ara DSC04160 175 pix
Ara Danischewskijpg 175
Argand_double_Sugg_1 260 width
Cromartie 175
Group_for_Afegaz 550
Dscn0915 175x271
Dscn0916 cut rot 175x276
Dscn0922 cut 175x274
Dscn0936 175
Dscn0933 175
Dscn0932 cut 175
Dscn0927 175
Dscn0924 cut 175
Dscn0939 175
Dscn0921 cut 175
Dscn0938 cut 314 x 175
Panorama loft space cut 550
Ray Tye 016 cut rot burners 275
Ray Tye 027 bulbs 275
Ray Tye 002 swivel brkt 275
Ray Tye 001 swivel fixt 275
Ray Tye 003 pendant 275
Ray Tye 043 swivel elec 275
Ray Tye 033 mantle boxes cut rot 275
Ray Tye 034 mantle tubes 275
Ray Tye 018 gov bnrs cut 550
Ray Tye 004 outside cut 275
Dscf5313 550w
Dscf5276 260w
Dscf5330 260w
Dscf5282 260w
Dscf5281 260w
Dscf5214 260w
Dscf5216 260w
Dscf5210 260w
Dscf5218 260w
Dscf5239 260w
Dscf5311 260w
Dscf5242 260w
Dscf5243 260w
Dscf5341 260w
Dscf5265 260w
Dscf5272 260w
Dscf5274 260w
Dscf5204 260w
Dscf5289 260w
Dscf5308 260w
Dscf5356 260w
P1010147 550
P1010144 275
Littleton1 260
Sany3201 cut260
Sany0007 cut 323 ht